Jelena Jovanovic's homepage


More than just noise? A multi-disciplinary study of heterogeneity in school students’ perceptions of instruction (2021-2023)

A 2-year Emerging Field Group project funded by ERLI. The aim is to provide fresh insights into heterogeneity in students’ perceptions of instruction by engaging in novel, innovative, and multi-disciplinary research approaches. It brings together researchers from a variety of research fields to explore the reasons and implications of heterogeneity, as well as methodological choices and challenges, with the ultimate goal of developing an overarching theoretical framework of heterogeneity, its sources, and implications.

ADA – Advanced Data Analytics in Business (2018-2022)

A 4-year project funded by the European Commission (project No. EACEA 598829-EPP-1-2018-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) under its Erasmus+ program, with the objective to develop and implement master study programs in advanced data analytics at three different universities in Serbia. In addition, the project develops and implements a lifelong learning program in business analytics for professionals in different fields.

Disciplinary Discourse Analytics for Deep Learning (2016-2021)

A 5-year international project funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (proj. id. H06-16-45). The project has three main objectives: 1) to characterize the language constructs of students and teachers across a number of disciplines; 2) to explore whether understanding disciplinary literacy development can support the provision of effective and formative feedback to learners and the enhance the quality of their skill development; 3) to address the challenge of automated evaluation of students' written responses to questions

GRASS - Grading Soft Skills (2014-2016)

A 3-year international research project, being developed under the umbrella of the flagship European funding programme in the field of education and training, the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) (project reference number: 543029-LLP-1-2013-1-RS-KA3-KA3MP). The project focuses on representing soft skills of learners of various ages and at different levels of education in a quantitative, measurable way, so that these skills can become the subject of formal validation and recognition. The GRASS project is categorized as an LLP transversal programme key action 3 (KA3) project. KA3 projects are about the use of ICT tools to enhance learning environments and experiences. GRASS addresses KA3 priority 3.1.2, Innovative pedagogy and assessment methods for diverse learning pathways.

INCOMING - Interdisciplinary Curricula in Computing to Meet Labor Market Needs (2012-2015)

A 3-year project funded by the TEMPUS IV programme of the European Union (project No. 530155-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-EE-TEMPUS-JPCR). It is a Joint Project / Curricular Reform (JPCR) project with the objective to initiate capacity building for interdisciplinary studies at universities in Serbia, to be offered both in English and in Serbian, at all three levels of study (BSc, MSc, PhD), and in at least one of the following three modes of study: face-to-face mode, distance learning, and blended mode. By developing and implementing interdisciplinary study programmes, the project intends to enhance employment opportunities for graduates of these programmes, targeting specifically Serbian labor market needs in interdisciplinary computing.

DL@WEB - Enhancing the Quality of Distance Learning at Western Balkan Higher Education Institutions (2010-2013)

A 3-year international project, funded by TEMPUS agency (project SM 511126-2010), with the objective to improve the quality and relevance of distance learning (DL) at Western Balkan higher education institutions. This implies easier inclusion of partner country institutions into European Higher Education Area through improvement, development and implementation of accreditation standards, guidelines and procedures for quality assurance (QA) of DL study programs at national system levels in Western Balkan countries.

IntelLEO - Intelligent Learning Extended Organizations (2009-2012)

A 3-year international ICT project, funded by the European Commission under its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) (project No. 231590). It is a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). The project objective is to develop intelligent technologies to support learning and knowledge-building activities in an Intelligent Learning Extended Organization (IntelLEO). IntelLEO is a new paradigm representing a community that emerges as a temporal integration of two or more different business and educational communities and organizational cultures (industrial, research, and educational).

Semantic Technologies for Enterprise 2.0 Collaboration (July-Dec 2011)

The project was focused on the exploration of the following research topics: (i) incentives and game mechanisms for motivating users to improve their workplace learning and increase the level of knowledge sharing; (ii) ontologies and semantic technologies-based algorithms for improved knowledge sharing in organizational context; (iii) techniques for enhanced learning goals awareness and learning goals management. The project was funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Engage Grant

OP4L - Online Presence for Learning (2010-2012)

A 2-year international project, funded by the European Commission within its SEE-ERA.NET PLUS program (project ERA 115/01), with the objective to provide support for advanced, context-aware Learning Process Management (LPM) within Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) as the increasingly important paradigm in online education. The project relies on using Social Semantic Web technologies to generate recommendations for learners, based on their current learning contexts and the state of online presence of members of their social graphs (i.e., network of online connections).

M.Sc. Curriculum in E-Learning (2007-2009)

A 2-year international project, funded by TEMPUS agency (project JEP-41016-2006), with the objectives to enable high-quality and specialized education in the field of e-learning and to establish the new M.Sc. studies in e-learning according to the principles of the Bologna declaration.

Soul Web (Software that Underlies Learning on the Web) (2008-2010)

A 2-year national project, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. The project objective is to develop a number of simple, open-source software tools and applications to support Web-based learning. Examples include context modeling tools Web-based learning, a tool for intelligent classification of learners based on multiple assessment sessions, and a tool for dynamic generation and use of personlized learning objects.

Semantically-enabled e-Learning (May 2008)

A short-term project within the Partnerships for Tomorrow Program Phase II (PTP II), funded by the Canadian International Development Agency and administered by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. The project sought to build a sustainable Canada-Serbia research community in the domain of semantically enabled e-learning (e.g., identified EU as the future of technology enhanced learning in its roadmap for 2007-2013) among research institutions and funding bodies.

Deriving Semantics from Learning Contexts (Aug-Sept 2007)

A short-term project within the Partnerships for Tomorrow Program Phase II (PTP II), funded by the Canadian International Development Agency and administered by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. The project investigated the use of semantic modeling and ontologies for tracking usage data in learning management systems such as Moodle. It was done in cooperation with Simon Fraser University and the Athabasca University.

Sharing Learning Designs: Semantic Prototyping (July-Aug 2006)

A short-term project within the Partnerships for Tomorrow Program Phase II (PTP II), funded by the Canadian International Development Agency and administered by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. The project developed a prototype for sharing learning designs based on semantic modeling and ontologies. The project was done in cooperation with the University of Saskatchewan and Simon Fraser University . The project was also aimed at strengthening further cooperation between the LORNET Research network, the ProLearn Network of Excellence, and the Web Intelligence and E-Learning project.

ProLearn EU FP6 (2004 - 2008)

A 'Network of Excellence' project financed by the IST (Information Society Technology) Framework 6 programme of the European Commission, dealing with technology enhanced professional learning. The project focuses on questions of European importance and stresses a better integration of research efforts. It initiates and improves cooperation between various actors of academia and industry in the area of technology enhanced learning, particularly supporting multinational co-operation. The GOOD OLD AI research group is an associated partner in the project. The group's duties include R&D activities related to personalized adaptive learning, online experiments, learning objects, metadata and standards, PROLEARN virtual competence centre, and PROLEARN academy.

ARIADNE (2004 - present)

The ARIADNE Foundation creates tools and methodologies for producing, managing and reusing computer-based pedagogical elements and telematics supported training curricula. In particular, the Foundation has created a network of knowledge pool servers containing a large number of different learning objects and supported by different Web-based learning and management tools. The GOOD OLD AI research group, which I am a member of, is a member of the Foundation.